So last Friday I managed to go see the new Superman reboot, Man of Steel so thought I'd share my review with the world. Having been let down in the past by super hero reboots and perhaps even growing tired by the non stop factory that is Hollywood churning out Superhero film after superhero film I went in with lowered expectations following from an initial feeling of super excitement (pun intended).
My fears were instantly put to bed during the opening 20 mins of the big budget movie. The first scenes are set entirely on Krypton and quickly help establish the movie in a darker and gritty more realistic light (I use this term realistic loosely as it does feature an Alien Russell Crowe riding on a space Dragon Fly). The scenes help to establish a whole world that has its own politics, laws, civilisation and also society that is doomed to fail. Not only does it establish Krypton as a massive world but it helps us understands everyone's motivations. Jor-El knows Krypton is doomed and there is nothing he nor anyone can do about it but if he gives his only Son a chance maybe he can grow up to be better than his generation.
General Zod, played immaculately by Michael Shannon, also displays his motivations, he wants the Cortex, a Kryptonian Skull which essentially holds all the DNA to Kryptonian people and can help rebuild civilisation after it will end but he is a military man and he will let nothing stand in his way to do what is best for his nation.
We are then introduced to Clark Kent/Kal El, as a wandering nomad, trying to find his place on Earth, he is looking for answers to where he is from, what he was sent to Earth to do and finally understand his potential. He finally comes across a potential answer in the form of a Kryptionian Spaceship frozen under the Arctic. It is here where he finally meets Jor El and his legacy is explained to him. Before donning the cape to become Superman.
Henry Cavill more than fills the physical side of the role as he stands well over 6 feet with a hulking frame to put most heros to shame. But does he come across as believable, likeable and charismatic enough to play the role? Truthful we aren't sure yet, he certainly fits the bill as Superman but as Clark Kent we are not sure yet, as his reporter at the Daily Planet is only hinted at the end of the movie, but from the ability of Cavill as an actor I am sure he will nail it in future sequels. Credit must go to the younger Clark Kent's in flashbacks as they capture every aspect an isolated person most feel like, from trying to come to terms to their superpowers, to trying to be better when they know they are capable of great, almost miraculous feats.
After our hero dons the cape and the suit the action begins and it takes us on a thrill ride that I didn't want to get off from. Let me just say this, visually this film is unlike any film you will see in the next 5-10 years. The talk has been it is a Terrence Malick film with Michael Bay action, while this description is very lazy it actually kind of sums it up. The flashback scenes, shots where we learn about Clark's younger years and also his 'earth family' are shot beautiful. Really giving life to Smallsville and making you think this place could actually exist. They also help to capture the tender moments perfectly as the shots are close up to keep focus purely on the actors and the moments between one another. But when it comes down to action, boy you are in for a treat. Think the Matrix 2&3 action scenes mixed in with the Avengers grand finale showdown and you are almost on level with the wave of action that is dished out in the last 90 mins of this movie. Towns are decimated, buildings are brought down with ease, debris is scattered like rain and it keeps giving. If you are like me and hated Superman Returns you will be more than pleased with sheer amount of action in this film.
The action shows us just what Superman should be, a God. He is able to fly, dish out damage of unspeakable might and travel at speeds that can't be tracked. So when the destruction happens it only makes sense for it to be on this large scale. I definitely need to go back and watch this film in 3D to see if the action is as splendid second time around and also in 3D.
While I found the film to be great it is not the perfect film. I still had my doubts of the actions of Father Kent and also felt Lois Lane went from being this great representation of an investigative reporter to damsel in distress too quickly. However what this film does more than anything else is sets up the world/universe for a sequel, a Justice League film and possibly even other Superhero films set in a similar universe. We are giving nods to Lex Luthor's presence, even to Bruce Wayne.
I have to end this review on one note, as I normally do I get very defence when people's views on films, tv shows and other views completely differ to mine and one of the common themes I have heard is that Superman wouldn't do this or Superman wouldn't destroy cities. But what people need to understand this is a young Superman, one who hasn't quite understood his powers until he finally fights Zod & co. So the devastation he has left behind is something to be expected. This isn't Superman retrieving a cat from a Tree or stopping someone from building a crystal island off the coast of America. This is him saving the world from a Supervillain of equally impressive power. SPOILER ALERT - Superman kills Zod at the end and I have heard enough people claim Superman would not do this, he is too good etc. However what we need to understand he was placed in a situation he didn't want to be in fighting for the life of humans and the world he has come to love or kill Zod. He chose to kill Zod and by his reaction we understand there was a sense that he didn't want to kill Zod, as it not only killed his link to Krypton he showed himself as a monster to the world, but what we also need to appreciate is he SAVED the world. People died, granted, thousands probably but he saved the world. He can't be everywhere at once and this weakness should definitely be a big part of the sequels and the DC universe they have built. Also to the critics, if you have followed the comics you would know Superman has actually killed Zod before so I find that argument very lazy, I feel people were still hoping for some 70's Superman throwback where he flies around with Lois Lane and contains rescues everyone from grandmothers crossing roads to petty crooks who are escaping with a bag full of cash.
What the film needs to do now is have Lex Luthor show himself, give him a reason for the world not to trust Superman, maybe even point out the trail of destruction and target Superman as a villain but keep it the same universe and don't focus on Villain Villain Villain. Make sure Clark Kent is still the soul of the series, make him question himself, his actions and make him realise he is not the finished Superman yet. In the film Clark said the S on the Superman suit stands for Hope. Well I hope they continue to make the series in the same way and this really gives a stern challenge to future action/sci fi/super hero films. The bar has been raised in terms of scale and also in terms of introducing characters. Don't half arse it, hint hint Green Lantern, hint hint Daredevil.
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